Rich & Relaxed

A private podcast experience to...

  • 🔥 Heal your relationship with money
  • 🔥 Step-by-step process to rewire your unconscious money beliefs (hint: these will keep you stuck)
  • 🔥 Let go of any stress & anxiety around finances
  • 🔥 Permanently transform your mindset with money to one of abundance

The program will be delivered in audio format, so you can listen to it all the time.

Basically the vibe: Allow ME to rewire your beliefs FOR YOU

If you’re craving a healthy, abundant relationship with money – you’re going to want to tune into this.

What You Get When You Join:

  • Immediate and lifetime access to the private podcast, Rich & Relaxed.
  • 13 Episodes delivered immediately + access to all future episodes as they are released.

Current Episode List

  1. Foundation of your Rich & Relaxed Life
  2. Explaining Money "Beliefs" and How They're Created
  3. How to Identify a Funky Belief System and How They ACTUALLY Hold You Back
  4. Scottie's 7 Step Process for BUSTING ANY Limiting Belief
  5. Understanding the Origin and Purpose of Emotions around Money
  6. Releasing Negative Emotions Around Money
  7. Releasing Negative Emotions Around Money - Part 2
  8. Releasing Negative Emotions Around Money - Part 3
  9. Releasing Negative Emotions Around Money - Part 4
  10. Releasing Negative Emotions Around Money - Part 5
  11. Understanding how to use the energetics of money to call in more money 
  12. Your #1 Money Block & How to Clear it
  13. How You "Pay" for Everything (& determining your payment method)

48 Hour Love it or Leave it Policy

If you don't like the program, you can reach out to [email protected] within 48 hours for a full refund, no questions asked.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to "subscribe to my email list" upon completing your purchase to get access to the audios and important information regarding the program. 

What People Are Saying:

I didn't realize how much trauma I had around spending and just all money in general. It's truly amazing how small moments in our lives stay with us on such a subconscious level. Your audio program was not just relatable but it re-wired how I now think and feel about money. It allowed me to speak to and forgive my younger self for the restrictions and limitations I've built around spending. Your program identified my inner fears about spending and truly gave me the freedom to let go of the limitations and restrictions I had built over all of these years. I feel ready to embrace financial freedom! Thank you!


Just wanted to say the course is phenomenal so far! I've written down so much. It's all the head trash stuff I've dealt with for years.


Two episodes in and I'm loving it!


One time payment of $297