What NOT to do via LinkedIn Messages
Jul 11, 2023LinkedIn can be a GOLD MINE for meeting new clients and partners.
And this article is going to be GOLD for you if you're on LinkedIn and looking to book more approaches / meet more potential clients.
LinkedIn has been THE single biggest revenue generating social media platform for me in my business over the past 5 years -- and I think it will continue to be so moving forward.
I send a lot of messages on LN, and I also GET quite a few.
And today, I wanted to share a message I received that, at first glance, seems okay.
But I'm going to provide my thoughts on how this message missed the mark -- and how it could be improved!
Here's the message:
(This is after I accepted his connection request -- it came out about 20 minutes later, so it's clear it's an automated message)
Thanks for connecting with me, Scott, My name is ***** and I am a private health insurance agent. I wanted to connect with you, as I think we could help each other in our businesses. I help small businesses, families and individuals find PPO coverage outside of the marketplace. What are some things you specialize in?
This message -- at first -- seems okay, right?
He asked me a question, he told me what he does...
But I believe it missed the mark. Because while it was clear and to the point, he didn't answer the most important question -- why TF should I care?
Here are a list of the ways he could have improved this message -- as you read, take these notes and apply them to your LinkedIn messages!
He made the message all about HIM. Here are the first 4 things I read...
- My name is...
- I am a...
- I wanted to...
- I think we could....
When creating & sending a LinkedIn message, it's sooooo important to talk to the other person -- about them and what might be interesting to them!
The two questions in my (and your prospects) mind:
1. How is this relevant for me?
2. Why should I care?
If you can answer these two questions, the person will be MUCH more open to responding / setting up a meeting.
There was no personal touch. They didn't mention anything about me, my experience, or my profile.
Even a simple -- "I checked out your experience -- awesome stuff!" would have warmed up the conversation.
He seems like a super nice guy, but the thing is -- I am busy. And frankly, I don't care about him or his business (I don't even know him!!!). I don't say this to be mean, just stating the truth.
If he wants me to accept a meeting and connect with him -- he's gonna have to warm me up a little and then share how he can help me!
Conversation Starter
I like that he asked: "What are some things you specialize in?" -- but this question is so broad that even if I answered, it would be hard for him to continue to conversation.
Here's how I would have crafted the message (again, this is my personal language and touch, so you can edit as you need)!
Hey Scott, thanks for connecting! How is your week going so far?
I checked out your profile -- awesome experience! I love that you focus on working with the media/tech world.
Quick intro: I'm ***** and am a private health insurance agent and help small businesses, families and individuals find PPO coverage outside of the marketplace.
Wanted to connect with you and see if you'd be open to partnering together and passing business back and forth. I work with a lot of awesome business owner / freelancers -- most of whom really need financial planning help.
Not sure if you already have a private health insurance agent in your network, but if not, would love to connect.
Would you be open to a quick 7-9 min chat?
It's a bit longer, but this approach would have been SO MUCH more appealing to me! Now, whether or not I would say yes would depend on more than just the message, but if I received a message like this I would be A LOT more inclined to explore!
I hope today's article was helpful! Shoot me a DM if you have a topic you'd love me to cover.
🔥 If this was helpful and you want to go deeper... I help advisors 2-10 years in the business double their production by implementing next-level prospecting strategies, tactics and systems.
(Ex: maximizing LinkedIn to book 3-5 approaches/week, Nesting at companies, creating a “No Ask” method to get inbound referrals, etc.)
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