This is the strategy I used to get 30 new clients and $100k of revenue in 6 months
Jul 10, 2023You may know this already, but in case you don't, here's a quick backstory to provide some context.
👉 In 2018, I started my career as a financial advisor. I worked virtually ALL the time for the first 1-2 years. I was earning good money, but I was absolutely burnt TF out.
👉 In 2020, I implemented a new prospecting strategy to get more referrals -- and it worked. In 2021, I worked about 2 days a week as an advisor and made over $350k+
👉 In 2021, I started doing 1:1 coaching with other advisors on this exact step-by-step prospecting system.
👉 In September 2022, I launched a coaching program called The Financial Advisor Academy 🔥. It's a potent online program with group coaching calls that helps advisors implement next-level prospecting strategies, tactics and systems to hit consistent $25k+ months. (ex: maximizing LinkedIn to book 3-5 approaches/week, Nesting at companies, creating a “No Ask” method to get inbound referrals, etc.)
I took December and January off due to jaw surgery, so between Sept, Oct, Nov, Feb, March and April -- I had 30 advisors join the program and I generated over $100k in sales.
** Okay cool -- so now that you understand the foundation of where I started, here's the strategy I implemented to scale so quickly **
The strategy has three parts:
Part 1: I found and clearly articulate a pain point that I solve.
I help financial advisors get more referrlas. Period. End of story.
I don't help mortgage brokers, realtors, financial advisors, doctors, etc. (I mean, my programs WILL work for them, but I am focused on one target market and one problem that I solve).
I have a clearly defined target >> and I solve a problem.
If you take nothing else from this article, this one part is gold.
Here's what I see from a lot of advisors: "I work with business owners, doctors, young families...."
They think that by casting a wider net that they will catch more fish. The truth is, that this method is actually LESS effective (for a number of reasons). Casting a wide net creates confusion >> and it makes it more difficult for you to ask for referrals AND for your client to know who the heck you work with.
By solving a pain point...
👏 I get people (strangers) on LinkedIn every week reaching out to me to learn more about my coaching.
👏 I get referrals weekly to advisors who have this problem and want it solved.
Simply put, I make it easy for people to send me business.
Part 2: I realized the difference between what I MARKET and what I PROVDIE
As an advisor, you might be thinking: "I can help people with sooooo much stuff! I can do insurance planning, investments, estate planning, help them buy a house, help them payoff debt...."
And the answer is YES! You CAN help people with all of these things. That's why you're such an amazing advisor.
BUT >> and this is a big but >> what you market to someone isn't the same as what you deliver.
I'll explain in an example.
Think of the company North Face. They sell winter gear and performance wear. If you look at their marketing, what do you see? People scaling mountains, braving the cold....
Now, who WEARS North Face?
Mom's in suburbia pushing their babies in strollers!
North Face MARKETS to a group of people and a specific scenario, but SELLS to more than that one group.
There's a difference between what you MARKET and your PRODUCT.
Here's another way of looking at it: People don't actually want a "Financial Plan". Seriously. People want what a Fianancial Plan PROVIDES (security, knowing they'll be ok, knowing they're on track, etc.)
So, how does relate to you, as an advisor?
In order to start getting LOTS of inbound referrals, you need to start marketing what people WANT.
People DON'T want: risk management solutions. tax optimization. diversifying concentrated stock positions.
(like, have you ever heard from someone they want "risk management solutions"????? yeah, no)
People DO want: Passive income. To get help with their RSUs. To be Financially Free. To make sure they'll be ok if they get let go.
I market to what advisors WANT...
🔥 Start hitting $25k/mo consistently
🔥 Take more time off bc you have a consistent flow of leads
🔥 Get inbound leads (finally) and take the pressure off asking 24/7
🔥 Eliminate stress & anxiety bc you have enough people every week to work with
(and all of this happens with my system)
Part 3: I created a clearly defined prospecting system to meet new clients
Shocker, right?
I mean, this is exactly what I teach in my program -- The Finanial Advisor Academy! So it's no wonder I would use the exact same strategy (because it freaking works)
I have four main channels of generating new leads (and this is crucial to having enough leads ALL the time -- having a # of different ways to get leads)
(1) I do speaking events at offices to meet new advisors (again, this is simple because I solve a very specific problem)
(2) I offer a referral program for advisors to get $$ if they refer someone into the program
(3) LinkedIn - Both through direct message (which I automate) as well as these posts.
The summary?
- >> One clear audience / pain point
- >> One clear marketing game plan
- >> A clearly defined prospecting system
What do you think?
🔥 I help advisors 2-10 years in the business implement next-level prospecting strategies, tactics and systems to hit consistent $25k+ months. (Ex: maximizing LinkedIn to book 3-5 approaches/week, Nesting at companies, creating a “No Ask” method to get inbound referrals, etc.)
If you want to learn next-level prospecting strategies, I have 3 ways of working together. Click here to submit an application to learn about the 3 ways to work together.
Or copy and paste this into your browser >> https://www.scottietaylorjr.com/explore
To your massive success,
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