Plug the Fking Vaccum In BEFORE You Vacuum the Rug!
Aug 01, 2023So there’s this saying that one of my spiritual teachers (Abraham Hicks) says that I freaking LOVE.
And I was having a conversation with a client of mine, and the topic came up and I just felt super compelled to share it with all of you today.
The Vibe: Plug in the (fking) vacuum before you vacuum the rug!
I’ll explain.
When you are feeling insecure, lacking confidence, or feeling like something won’t work…
And you take ACTION from this place of insecurity….
Nothing happens.
It’s like trying to vacuum the rug, but not plugging in the vacuum first.
It’s a whooooole lot of effort, but virtually no results.
I get it though, this is very different from what a LOT of people will tell you.
We learn from a young age to work harder, put in more effort, more energy, and just keep going. 😖
Virtually no one talks about getting your energy right FIRST before taking action.
If you’re skeptical, that’s ok!
But I’d encourage you to look around. How many people do you know that work so. damn. hard… but have very little to show for it?
How many people out there do you see sweating, efforting, trying – but they don’t have the money, the success, or the freedom they truly desire?
If hard work were the ONLY path to success, then the people working the hardest (teachers, servers, etc.) would be millionaires. But that’s just not the case.
The hack that wealthy & successful people know is that your ENERGY is always more important than your action. 👏
Not everyone would necessarily say it like that, but if you were to ask a millionaire – before you made your money, did you believe you would become a millionaire?
I’d BET that they would say “YES” 💸
So here’s my reminder for you today.
✨ Energy > Action. Always. ✨
Before you pick up the phone, make the calls, send the emails, meet with the clients…
First get yourself revved up. Convince yourself that good shit is happening FOR you.
And when you believe it? Good shit WILL happen for you.
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