How I Think About Investing in my Business (hint: it’s one of the keys to exponential growth) - PART 1

#financialadvisor #prospecting #prospectingtips Jul 11, 2023

Hey my friends!

I had a flash of inspiration – brought on by a really, really great conversation with a financial advisor yesterday who is thinking about joining my Signature Coaching Program: The Financial Advisor Academy.

In the conversation, we went DEEP into the energy & tactics of investing in yourself (and your business) – and in the conversation I shared some thoughts with him that he found really valuable, so I wanted to also share with all of you.

If you want to grow, make more money, work less – this 4 part article (and these mindset shifts) are going to be GOLDEN for you.

In no particular order, here are the things we talked about >> and that I think about myself when investing in my business.

Part 1!

Here’s a question to ask yourself when contemplating investing: How would the next version of myself view this investment?

 The advisor I was talking to has a goal of hitting $360k in his business, which is about a 3x increase from where he is currently.

I asked him: Imagine yourself 12mo in the future, you’ve hit your goal – and now imagine yourself looking back at this moment in time.

Are you feeling grateful, excited and happy that you made this investment in your business – and yourself?

So often we make decisions from our CURRENT STATE. But the reality might be that your current state (aka where you are financially) is NOT the same as your desired state (your next big goal).

If you make decisions from your current state of consciousness, you’ll continue to get the same results. Instead, to make decisions – ask yourself: Would the 2.0 version of myself say yes to something like this?

Let me be clear: this is NOT to encourage you to sign up for something that doesn’t feel aligned just because your future self “COULD” do it.

This mindset shift is to get you OUT of your old patterned thinking (what if it doesn’t work?! What if I lose money?) because those patterned thoughts are what are holding you back. Period!

πŸ”₯ Ready to hit consistent revenue, feel less stress, and finally start getting inbound referrals?

If you’re nodding your head up and down, you might be a fit for my signature online coaching program The Financial Advisor Academy (FAA)

The program is designed for advisors 1+ year in

business who desire to hit $400k+ -- without burning out or using other

"ick" (aka archaic, old white guy) sales tactics. πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ

🌟 >> Read more about the program here

🌟 >> Fill out an application here

Stay tuned for Parts 2, 3, and 4!


Published by

Scott Taylor Jr, CFA, RICP Financial Advisor
CEO | Prospecting Strategist | Founder of the 5 to $25k/mo Method